クライストチャーチの地震[じしん]が起[お]きてから、今日[きょう]で1週間[しゅうかん]です。日本[にほん]でも募金[ぼきん] (= collecting donation)が行[おこな]われています。今[いま]、ラグビーの日本[にほん]チームの監督[かんとく] (= coach)は、ジョン・カーワン。元[もと] (= former) ・オールブラックスのニュージーランド人[じん]です。
A week has now passed since a huge earthquake hit Christchurch. All sorts of people in Japan have been collecting donation to support Christchurch now. One of them is John Kirwan. As you know, Kirwan is a former All Blacks player and the coach of Japanese national rugby team at present. Kirwan talked to the audience in a rugby field in Japan the other day and asked them for donation. This page of Asahi Shimbun Newspaper shows the photo of his calling donation.