下[した]の動画[どうが](= motion picture)は日本[にほん]のニュース。ニュースのタイトルは「ジョージ王子[おうじ]の初[はつ]外遊[がいゆう](= visit to a foreign country)」。ニュージーランドのメディアは、ウィリアム王子[おうじ]、キャサリン妃[ひ]の訪問[ほうもん]に焦点[しょうてん](= focus)を当[あ]てています。国[くに]によってニュースの伝[つた]え方[かた]が違[ちが]うのは面白[おもしろ]いですね。
As you know, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their son, young Prince George are in New Zealand now. The jounalists are here from all over the world to report their movements.
The following is Japanese TV news reporting their visit. The title of this piece of news is "Prince George's first official visit". In New Zealand, the media focus on his parents. Isn't it interesting to see such cultural difference!?