It is December now. Time flies, doesn't it? So, have you ever heard of this Japanese word 'Shiwasu'?
日本語では、各月[かくつき](= each month)に名前があります。それぞれに意味[いみ]があります。で、12月は師走[しわす]、と言います。「師」は僧侶[そうりょ](= monks)、「走」は走る、です。つまり、12月は僧侶がいつも走っているくらい忙[いそが]しいという意味と言われています。しかし、本当の語源[ごげん](= origin)はよくわからないそうです。でもとにかく、12月はみんな忙しいですよね。
In Japanese, each month has a 'name'; each one of them has a particular meaning. The name for December is 'shiwasu'. The Chinese character for 'shi' means 'monks' and 'wasu' means 'running'. 'Shiwasu' is a month for monks running – this is the meaning of 'shiwasu' for many people to believe. However, the origin of this word is actually unknown. But all of us are indeed busy in December and I am happy to settle with this 'busyness like monks-running' explanation!
Are you now curious about any other months? If so, please find it by yourself!