夫婦[ふうふ]別姓[べっせい]が認[みと]められるか!? Will married couples be permitted to have different surnames?
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The Grate Race was great! 2
週末[しゅうまつ]行[おこな]われたグレート・レースでは、WaiTaiko Drummersの太鼓[たいこ] (taiko is Japanese traditional drum)の演奏[えんそう](enso means performance)もあったんですよ。短[みじか]い演奏[えんそう]でしたが、とてもよかったです。 The Grate Race, which was held last weekend, was not just about rowing races. WaiTaiko Drummers performed there as well. Their performance was quite short actually, but it was absolutely brilliant!
Continue reading冷たい食べ物3 Cold food 3
先日[せんじつ]、冷[ひ]やし中華[ちゅうか]について書[か]きました。書[か]いた後[あと]、とても食[た]べたくなって自分[じぶん]で作[つく]りました! I wrote about hiyashi chuka, cold ramen the other day, and then it made me really want to eat it. So I cooked it for myself!
Continue reading姫路城はフランス人に人気! French people love Himeji Castle!
(c) kamoda 今日[きょう]の朝日[あさひ]新聞[しんぶん]のサイトに姫路[ひめじ]城[じょう]の話題[わだい]がありました。 I read an article on the site of Asahi Shimbun Newspaper about Himeji Castle today.
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