チョコレート祭り Chocolate Fiesta

みなさんは2月14日が何の日か知っていますよね? はい、そうです、バレンタイン・デーです。日本でもバレンタイン・デーはありますが、とても違[ちが]います。日本ではこの日は女性[じょせい]が男性[だんせい]にチョコレートをあげる日なのです。心[こころ]から好きな男性にあげるだけでなく、友だちや、働[はたら]いている人だったら会社の同じセクションの男性の上司[じょうし]や同僚[どうりょう]にもあげるのがふつうです。ふつうの友だちや同僚[どうりょう]などには安いチョコレートをあげて、特別[とくべつ]な人には高いチョコレートをあげたり、チョコレート以外の特別[とくべつ]なプレゼントをあげたりするようです。

You know what 14 February means. Yes, it’s Valentine’s Day and same as in Japan. But Japanese people take this day utterly differently. For Japanese people, this day is the day that female gives chocolate to male! They give one not only to somebody very special but also to male friends and, if they are company employees, they are often expected to give some to their male colleagues and bosses in their work section as well. They often pick ordinary chocolates (cheap or should I say reasonably priced one?) for friends and colleagues, but buy nice chocolates and also often something else for Mr Special.
The origin of this weird custom is, what I have heard some time ago that one chocolate company started promoting this custom decades ago to sell their products. At that time almost none of Japanese knew about Valentine’s Day and also female was so shy (or should I say that was a sort of social expectation) that found hard to approach to somebody they wanted to be close to. So the chocolate company encouraged ladies to take this opportunity to tell their feelings to somebody special with a gift of chocolate.   Well, their strategy had taken off very well, as I can say from the current trend in Japan.
Every year around this time, special chocolate selling promotions start everywhere in Japan. This is one of the most important business chances for confectionary industry (I heard some time ago that more than 80% of their annual turnover (for confectionary companies) was actually made around this time of year – it might not be deadly accurate, but anyway this is certainly a serious business opportunity for them, that’s what I can say). I read a report yesterday about one of the biggest events in this theme, a sort of chocolate fiesta, on the Internet. This event will be held next week at a department store in Tokyo and looks a big deal – they invited very famous French chocolatier from France, they set up special (and expensive) chocolate stores and so on.
If I were in Japan now, I would like to go there, buy nice chocolates, and definitely EAT THEM ALL MYSELF!!

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