
 frost on the 23rd May 09resized for web.jpg frost parsley on the 23rd May 09 resized for web.jpg
さて、みなさんは二十四[にじゅうし]節気[せっき]ということばを聞[]いたことがありますか。これは簡単[かんたん]に言[]うと、陰暦[いんれき]で1年を24にわけて、それぞれの期間[きかん]を季節[きせつ]のことばであらわすシステムです。ちなみに、今[いま]日本[にほん]は、芒種(ぼうしゅ)という時期[じき]で、夏至[げし](geshi is the summer solstice)の1つ前[まえ]です。昔[むかし]はこの芒種[ぼうしゅ]は稲[いね](ine is rice)のような植物[しょくぶつ]の種[たね]まきの時期[じき]を表[あらわ]していたそうです(現在[げんざい]はもっと早[はや]く種[たね]をまくそうです)。これはもちろん北[きた]半球[はんきゅう] (hankyu is hemisphere)の話[はなし]。南[みなみ]半球[はんきゅう]の季節[きせつ]を当[]てはめて考[かんが]えると、今は大雪(たいせつ)と言って雪[ゆき]が激[はげ]しく降[]り始[はじ]めるころだそうです。そして冬至[とうじ] (toji is the winter solstice)の1つ前[まえ]です。まさに今のニュージーランドそのものですね! そしてこの冬至[とうじ]は、日本ではむかしむかし1年の始[はじ]まりとしていたそうです。まさにMATARIKIですね! こういう情報[じょうほう]を調[しら]べるのは本当[ほんとう]に面白[おもしろ]いです。
It has been very cold here! I took photos in the morning – it shows ice on water outside and my parsley plant looks cooooold!
Have you heard “nijushi sekki” (= 24 seasonal sections) before? Briefly speaking, it divides one year to 24 segments according to the lunar calendar and each segment is named after the nature of each seasonal time. For example it is “boshu” now in Japan and it is one before “geshi” (= the summer solstice). In the past, people sowed seeds of plants like rice (nowadays we have to sow a bit earlier than this) during “boshu.” “shu” means “seeds” in this case. We are in the South Hemisphere, so we should call our current time as “taisetsu.” If you know Japanese kanji, you can tell what it is because the word shows what it is – “big snow.” It starts snowing during this “big snow” Time. And then this should be one before “toji” (the winter solstice). Apparently “toji” used to be the beginning of a new year – this is exactly what MTARIKI is! Interesting, isn’t it!  

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