誰も知らない Nobody knows

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主人公[しゅじんこう]を演[えん]じた柳楽[やぎら]優弥[ゆうや]さんは当時[とうじ]14歳[さい]。主演[しゅえん]男優[だんゆう][しょう]受賞[じゅぎょう]のニュースを聞[]いたときはびっくりしましたが、この映画[えいが]を見[]て納得[なっとく]しました。まるでドキュメンタリー映画[えいが]のように、子どもたちの演技[えんぎ]がとても自然[しぜん]です。「シカゴ・サン・タイムズ」では”Poignant” という形容詞[けいようし]でこの映画[えいが]が評[ひょう]されたようですが、まさにそういう映画[えいが]です。とてもよくできた映画[えいが]だと思[おも]いました。
この映画[えいが]を作[つく]った是枝[これえだ]裕和[ひろかず]監督[かんとく]の最新[さいしん]の映画[えいが]『歩いても歩いても』(英語[えいご]のタイトルは『Still walking』)は来週[らいしゅう]から始[はじ]まる2009年ニュージーランド国際[こくさい]映画[えいが][さい]で上映されるそうです。興味[きょうみ]がある人は http://www.nzff.co.nz  をチェックしてください。
“Nobody knows” – this is the title of a Japanese film. It was produced in 2003 and the leading actor won the Best Actor Award at Cannes Film Festival 2004. So you might have heard of this film.
The story is about a single mother and her four kids. One day the mother leaves them. The 12 yr-eldest son named Akira has to look after his little siblings with money the mother leaves. Sooner or later money runs out and then the electricity stops, the gas stops and so on…  This film was  made based on a true story and made me very sad (that true story the film based on was apparently much sadder and more tragic).
Yagira Yuya who played Akira was just 14 years old at that time. When I heard of the wonderful news about his winning at Cannes Film Festival, I was very surprised. But I now understand that after watching his performance. The performance of all of the children there looks astonishingly natural and the film is almost like a documentary film.   A reviewer of Chicago Sun-Times used an adjective “poignant” to describe the film and this is exactly what it is.
Hirokazu Kore-eda, the director of this film produced another film last year. This film entitled “Still walking” will take part of the 2009 New Zealand Film Festivals. If you are interested, please check the schedule at http://www.nzff.co.nz   

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