貧困状態の日本人 Poverty in Japan

大貧困 Yuasa resized for web.jpg

状態[じょうたい]situation; condition
社会問題[しゃかいもんだい]social issues
相対的[そうたいてき]貧困[ひんこん][りつ]relative poverty rate
OECD加盟国[かめいこく]OECD member countries, 25 countries currently hold its membership of OECD.
社会[しゃかい]保障[ほしょう]制度[せいど]social welfare system
I read a Japanese book referred above the other day. This book reports one of the current biggest social issues in Japan – poverty.


この日本の貧困[ひんこん]状態[じょうたい]は、1 つは社会保障制度[しゃかいほしょうせいど]が弱[よわ]いこと、そしてもう1つはアルバイトの給料[きゅうりょう]がとても低[ひく]いことが原因[げんいん]のようです。特[とく]に後者[こうしゃ]、アルバイトの給料[きゅうりょう]の問題[もんだい]は深刻[しんこく]です。それは、給料[きゅうりょう]が安[やす]いので働[はたら]いても働[はたら]いてもお金を貯[]めることができないということです。そのためアパートにも住[]めず(NB. Same as here, you need to have certain amount of money for bond if you want to rent a room and the bond in Japan is normally quite high)、ネットカフェと呼[]ばれる24時間営業[えいぎょう]のインターネットカフェなどに泊[]まり続[つづ]ける生活[せいかつ]をすることになります。一泊[いっぱく]1,500円くらいだそうです。ネットカフェにはもちろんベッドはありません。大きないすに座[すわ]って寝[]ます。だからゆっくり休[やす]むことができません。でも朝[あさ]になったらまた働[はたら]かなければいけません。そのような生活[せいかつ]を続[つづ]けていると、どんなに元気な人でも病気[びょうき]になります。でも病院[びょういん]に行くお金がありません。社会保障制度[しゃかいほしょうせいど]も面倒[めんどう]を見て(mendo wo miru is to look after people)くれません。こういう人たちが日本には今、とてもたくさんいるのです。
If you are a NZ resident, your reaction might be like “What? Poverty in Japan? What are you talking about!?” Poverty is indeed, a real serious problem in Japan now. According to the survey by OECD, the relative poverty rate of Japan came in 5th among the 25 member countries, as of Year 2000. In the case of the rate related to population between 18 – 65 yr, Japan took a second place after America (by the way, the top 7 countries were 1st USA, 2nd Japan, 3rd Ireland, 4th Italy, 5th Canada, 6th Portugal, and 7th NEW ZEALAND!! ). The situation of America or Japan can be described as that rich people are extraordinary rich and poor people are really poor. Moreover, many among working age-people (between 18-65 yr) do not have much money.
There are two main reasons having created this situation particularly in Japan; one is its weak social welfare system and the other one is low salary scheme for part-time job. The latter one is serious because it means that no matter how hard people work, they still have to suffer from financial difficulty because of low salary. Those people often do not have enough money to rent a room (because you need to have certain amount of money for bond if you want to rent a room and the bond in Japan is normally quite high) and consequently they end up with sleeping in a 24 hr-open internet café (apparently it costs you around 1,500 yen (NZ$25) per night). The café of course provides no sleeping facilities, so people sleep on chair there. They cannot have proper rest in that condition, but they must go to work in the following morning. This type of living style sooner or later makes people sick but they do not have money to go to see a doctor. But as I briefly mentioned above, the social welfare system in Japan does not look after those people. You now can see the seriousness of the issues.
There are quite a few people living like this in Japan now…

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