ばーさんがじーさんに作る食卓 Meals prepared by a grandma for a granddad


There are so many people doing blog all over the world. It appears that there are so many blog pages showing something about food in Japan!

このブログは中[なか]でもとても人気[にんき]があるものの1つ。70歳[さい]くらいの日本人[にほんじん]のご夫婦[ふうふ]が作[つく]っているブログです。奥[おく]さんが毎日[まいにち]季節[きせつ]の野菜[やさい]をたくさん使[つか]ってとてもおいしそうな料理[りょうり]を作[つく]っています。食[]べ物[もの]の写真[しゃしん]の他[ほか]に、季節[きせつ]の写真[しゃしん](例[たと]えば今[いま]だったら柚子[ゆず] (yuzu is a type of citrus. you can buy it fresh at supermarkets in winter in Japan) の写真[しゃしん]とか)があって、日本[にほん]の季節[きせつ]がよくわかります。日本語[にほんご]がわかる人[ひと]もわからない人[ひと]も是非[ぜひ]アクセスして写真を見[]てみてください!

This blog is one of the most popular food-related blog sites in Japan. A couple around 70 yr old set up the site some years ago. The wife prepares all sorts of dishes (not just Japanese dishes but also all sorts of ethnic ones!) with using seasonal vegetables and the husband posts photos and texts almost every day. Many photos there show really yummy dishes, but the site contains something else – mainly something seasonal (i.e. their own vege patches, citrus trees such as Yuzu, a Japanese citrus tree, right now). It is good to see the site to find the season in Japan! It does not matter if you would understand Japanese language or not – it’s worth just looking at their photos!

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