日本[にほん]アニメの宮崎[みやざき]監督[かんとく]が新[あたら]しい映画[えいが]を作[つく]りました。タイトルは『風[かぜ]立[た]ちぬ』です。日本[にほん]のゼロ戦[せん](= the Zero fighter plane)を設計[せっけい]した(= designed)人[ひと]の話[はなし](= story)だそうです。この映画[えいが]は日本[にほん]で7月20日から始[はじ]まります。公式[こうしき](= official)ウェブサイトはここです。
Hayao Miyazaki, a Japanese animation film creator, has made another film entitled "Kaze tachinu" (sorry, I cannot find the official English title of this film, but it means something like "the wind rises". The story is about a designer of the Zero fighter plane for Japan). It will be released on 20 July in Japan. You can find its official website here.
I hope it will come to New Zealand some time soon!!