福島原発の問題 Fukushima NPP’s issues

福島[ふくしま]原発[げんぱつ] (= Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants)では今[いま]もいろいろな問題[もんだい]が起[]こっています。今日[きょう]は、汚染水[おせんすい] (= toxic water)[ろう]えい(= leak)についてです。

As I mentioned the other day, there are so many issues occurring at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants these days. I will write about leak of toxic water.


今週[こんしゅう]、福島[ふくしま]原発[げんぱつ]の汚染水[おせんすい]が300トン漏[]れている(= to be leaking)ことが発表[はっぴょう]されました(= to be made public)。このニュースは、ニュージーランドでも報道[ほうどう]されました(= to be reported)。私[わたし]は8月21日(水)のニュースで見[]ました。

1リットルあたり8000[まん]ベクレル(= becquerel)の汚染水[おせんすい]だそうです。海[うみ]に流[なが]れている可能性[かのうせい] (= possibility)も否定[ひてい]できません(= cannot deny)。そして今[いま]も漏[]れているそうです。

福島[ふくしま]の人[ひと]たちは次[つぎ]から次[つぎ](= one after another)と起[]きる問題[もんだい]に、もううんざりしています(= they feel they have had enough)

東電[とうでん] (= Tepco, Tokyo Electric Power Company)にもっとしっかり対策[たいさく] (= solution)を講[こう]じて(= to set up)もらいたいものです!



It was reported early this week that 300 tons of toxic (radioactive) water had leaked from a tank in the power plant. I watched this news reported on TV in New Zealand.

The leaked water is highly toxic – 80 million becquere per litter. I am not the expert and cannot say what this figure means, but it certainly sounds very high. Tepco, Tokyo Electric Power Company, cannot confirm or deny if there is any leak to the ocean. It is still leaking now!

Fukushima people feel they have had enough! 

We all wish that Tepco will deal with the problems properly and promptly and do something to prevent any further issues!!!

I read this news on this page of Mainichi Shimbun Newspaper.


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